DesignSeries00960.pngReplacing objects with symbols



Replace with Symbol

Modify > Convert

The Replace with Symbol command converts a selected object into a specified symbol. The symbol can use the records provided with the original object, the records associated with the replacement symbol, or both. If an imported Shapefile (Vectorworks Architect or Landmark required) contains data markers that indicate the location of certain types of objects, you can convert the markers into a symbol that better suits your drawing.

To replace an object with a symbol:

Select the object to be replaced.

Select the command.

The Choose a Symbol dialog box opens and displays the symbols available in the current file.

Select a symbol, and then select whether the original records should be retained or discarded, and whether the replacement symbol definition’s records should be added.

Click OK, and then confirm that you want to replace all selected objects.



Specifying design layer georeferencing

Editing symbol definitions


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